More Observations

More Observations

1. John and I are little piggies. We were nibbling on my favorite See’s Candies chocolate nougat bar, and little crumbs got on the white sheets. Yeah, now it looks like we shit in our bed. Poor housekeeper… we’ll have to leave extra tip and maybe a note explaining so s/he isn’t totally disgusted.
2. In the land of caged golden birds, I was extremely suspicious when I saw an older Caucasian gentleman with a gold band on his RIGHT ring finger. Come on, a plain gold right-hand ring? Sketch. I’m almost completely sure he’s playin’ like he ain’t married… lyin’ fuck.
3. John and I were in Macau today but all day we had to keep reminding ourselves where we were. In Macau, the official languages are Chinese and Portuguese, so we were expecting a very European influence. But stepping off the turbojet watercraft, we immediately felt like we were back in China. Just something about the dirtier environment, the ubiquitous construction, and the tenacious hecklers at the ferry terminal. And all I heard was Cantonese.
4. Later, inside the gigantic Venetian Hotel, I again had to double think where the hell we were. Because we were kind of in Italy (thanks to the Disney-esque Venice interior) but then this hotel felt so similar to the Venetian in Vegas so I felt like we were in Nevada, and yet we were technically in Macau. See how my mind has lost its agility? I’m like watching Memento all over again!
5. Macau is freaking dead! How this place has supposedly surpassed Vegas as the world’s premier gambling spot is a mystery to me. Streets, restaurants, casinos all very low traffic. Perhaps there are a few very high rollers playing here? I don’t know. As for little potatoes like John and me, we played some roulette and WON! About USD $50. Not too shabby.
6. Ate another horrible meal. That’s two strikes for LP!
7. Bubbey loves the big city. Oddly, it’s one of the few things I’ve found that really energizes him. Now he’s the one with all the pep. We’ll have to duke it out for the “Power Pill” title. I argue that after 7 days of emotional stress in Taiwan plus my hour-long swim at the hotel pool yesterday, yes, I’m damn worn out! Ok, so I’m grasping for straws; I’m not proud.
8. I ran out of toothpaste. Unfortunately, the nearby 7-Eleven only carries bubblegum-flavored Pokemon Colgate in travel size. It’s useless. What’s the point of brushing if there’s no minty fresh feeling?
9. Need to do some brain exercises to prep for more currency conversions tomorrow. My little coupon organizer of a wallet, for which I am often ridiculed, sure is coming in handy: so far on our trip, it’s helped me file USD, Japanese yen, Taiwanese dollars, Hong Kong dollars, and Macau patacas. Told you I would use all those dividers some day!

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