V-Day Slackers

V-Day Slackers

So man, only like a fourth of the students showed up for mental skillz class last night. Fucking slackers. Valentine’s Day. Big f-ing deal, people. It’s not like it’s Chinese New Year. Sheesh. I’m shocked how many people get sucked into this Hallmark holiday. Hubs and I keep it simple: we exchange cards, and he got me a bar of fancy nougat and truffles. But the candy was more just because I’m on a nougat bender. Since my buddy P is such a nougat monster, last week I shuttled down some uber gourmet French and Italian stuff… it was gone in a matter of minutes, and now we’re all hooked. Do you know where I can buy the really good stuff in bulk? Otherwise, I may need to start a production line at home. Yeah, FitBit is making me ravenous. If I didn’t know any better, I would think I were preggers (Yikes!!).

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