What a Difference a Few Days Make

What a Difference a Few Days Make

I’m pleased to report that Buzzkill Betty has taken a break. Happy new year indeed! The sun actually came out this week, and I am feeling a gabillion times better. I know, seasonal mood disorder, anyone? Whatever, I’m just glad to be zooming around again.

So Christmas weekend went well though I guess I had neglected to mention it previously. We basically stayed in town (the sore throat kinda lingered), but we got lots of rest. Our good friends J&J came over, we hung out, went for a hike. I went riding at the ranch, went to a hot yoga class. Just low key, if somewhat “boring” (on Christmas Day) according to Bubbey. Yeah, it was just the two of us. I dunno: the holidays are always a little weird– either two chaotic or too sedate. Maybe it has to do with cultural expectations.

Anyway, New Year’s was similar but I was just feeling loads better. J&J came over again: we walked the pups, played board games, watched tv, hung out, cooked. Always a good time with dear friends.

So for the next year, I’m hoping to focus on a few things:

– I want to bring Spanish studying back into my life. Hopefully one lesson a week.
– I want to continue playing uke. Twice a week.
– I’m getting into this FitBit thing, which just means I hope to move around daily, like enough to sweat three times a week. 🙂 Last night, it was about 15 minutes til midnight (when the FitBit restarts), and I was under my daily goal of 8,000 steps. So what did I do? I proceeded to run in place right next to the bed. As if I was doing training drills– you know, kicking the knees all high and shit. I was breathing all heavy. John was making fun of me, but I don’t fucking care. 15 minutes later, I was well beyond my goal. Muuuhhaha. And today, while I was watching a Giuliana and Bill marathon (LOVE them!), I was exercising. That’s right baby, two birds, one stone. I am back in action!
– I want to work on professional development– build new skills, try new environments.
– I want to become a better cowgirl. Last Sunday, I rode a new horse, and well, it was a true test. My riding skillz are still lacking, because this horse just would not listen; in fact, he rammed my knee into the fucking fence. Oh no you didn’t, Chip!!
– I want to work on personal development– more classes, more positive thinking, more mindfulness, more awareness, more calm.
– I want to continue traveling and spending time with people I love.

It’s a lot but I have another year to do it, so slow and easy, right?

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