You Ready for This?

You Ready for This?

Hello everyone. Hope you had a good Festivus/Christmas/Kwaanza. I’m not feeling very merry these days: I’ve been out of commission since about Christmas. First it was dry throat, then burning eyes, then wham! fever, cold sweats, body aches, and then I could not get out of bed! Pretty much my entire weekend was shot sweating buckets in bed. Sure, I managed to finish that fourth and final book of the year (a good read) but damn, I was supposed to be raring to go come Monday. You know, finish the year out strong! Well today is Monday, and I was still a goddamn mess. Four days, in bed. Enough is enough.

I thought maybe I had strep, because my throat hurt like hell. I was drinking so much tea with honey and lemon, I was peeing on the hour! Then I was hot, then cold, then hot, then cold. Fucking A! So I got an appointment with the doctor this evening. No, not strep throat. I have the fucking swine flu!! Can you believe this shit? Goddamn H1N1 in my house, in MY body! I’m so sick of my body letting me down, and boy has it disappointed this year. Seriously. First, I had random skin allergies, then I got food poisoning right around my friend’s wedding in June, now swine-fucking flu. Meanwhile my doctor was this preggers lady, but she’s still seeing sick people like me! Why can’t I have that level of toughness? I’m sick of this bullshit. I mean, I exercise regularly, I don’t do drugs, I hardly drink, I don’t smoke… what more am I supposed to do to optimize? I’m pissed. So the doctor says going into the office is out of the question the rest of the week. I just hope my body permits me a few hours of normalcy per day so I can get SOME work done from home. We’ll see though. Can’t have high expectations anymore. How’s that for new year’s resolutions?

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