Pink Eye

Pink Eye

Shit, the weekend is over already? Jesus Christ. Normally, I can’t wait to get back in the saddle at work, but this evening, I feel differently. Though the weekend was good, my personal projects could use an extra day. I’m making progress on the extracurricular activities, but there is still so much more that needs to get done… Meanwhile, I’m still battling this bizarre, undiagnosed, mystery illness/ailment. Sure, I could go to the doctor and see what the hell is going on, but that would be too easy. Honestly, the symptoms are very much like allergies: I get these sneezing fits and then head congestion and pressure in my ears. In addition, my eyes are growing increasingly itchy. Like so crazy itchy I sometimes wonder if I have pink eye. And then my thoughts immediately go to that movie Superbad where the kid gets pink eye from… ugh gross. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go watch the movie. That definitely won’t be the way I get pink eye…

At first, I thought the irritation was from my contacts. I switched to a fresh pair. Then today I saw some crud in the inner corner of my eye… maybe from my eyeliner? I don’t freaking know, but who has time to play process of elimination? Argh. Yes, this is a case for the experts. Enough with the procrastination. I cannot be sick when I’m visiting family this weekend. They always see me all tired and lethargic (probably from all the shuttling around). I’m determined to present a strong, energetic self this time. Maybe my doctor buddies can squeeze me in for an appointment.

So despite my physical discomforts, this weekend was fun. On Friday, I caught the train into the city and met up with Grace and Jim for a fabulous dinner at a Thai restaurant. G and I then met up with another chick for I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change. Yes, another “relationship” production. Like so many shows I’ve seen in the Bay area over the last two years, this one was awesome. I know, I’m starting to sound like my friend Nathalie who never gives a bad movie review (Never trust her movie judgement!), but seriously, I’ve seen a lot of really great stuff! And this show was no different: it was clever, entertaining, and funny. What more could I ask for? Interestingly, the show had run off-Broadway for 10+ years. Who knew?

Yeah, I’ve been getting into shows and movies about relationships lately. Maybe it’s because John and I had an extra rough year… I don’t know, I just find myself so fascinated/surprised by the commonalities in the human relationship experience. Anyway, lots of thinking after the play. On Saturday, I opted for fluff. We ran errands all day and then went to see a late screening of Coralina (love that name!). The plot was a bit childish but the 3-D shit was amazing. Creative people… they fricking blow me away. And based on the movie previews, a lot of cool stuff is coming through the pipeline. Can’t wait.

I had lots of good eats this weekend. John’s culinary kick is still going strong. In fact, this morning, I woke up to blueberry pancakes and homemade hash browns! I know, I’m totally spoiled now, right? He’s even been getting up before me (wtf, right?) AND getting his butt to the gym. It’s great to see John with some vigor. He’s starting to give Power Pill (that’s me) a real run for the money. Even more reason to get my ass to the doctor. I gotta be back in top form to defend my Power Pill title.

One Response

  1. i had very bad contact lense intollerance for a long while. and then i realised it was my pill making my eyes reject them. wore the best lenses, new pair all the time, but still makes my eyes water and leave gunk everywhere. on a good day, i’ll be able to open my eyes while wearing them. then i went off the pill for 6 months. not only did i have better skin, i could actually wear contact lenses. i’m back on the same pill now and viola, eyeballs spitting lenses out like poison.