The Pool Guy

The Pool Guy

Oh, I forgot to mention this weirdo freaky event that happened last Saturday night. So you know how I go to my private (er… community) hot tub like every single day it’s open? Well last weekend, I went into the gated pool area around 10 p.m. Took the pups with. They like to sniff around and shit in the flower beds. Bubbey didn’t feel like going so he just stayed home.

Well some dude (whom we’ve actually seen before) unlocked the gate, walked in, ignored my greeting, and proceeded into the changing/resting room. And he stayed in there forever. My stupid dogs didn’t do a damn thing. No barking, no snorting, nuthin’. Yeah, real protectors they are. So John and I had seen this guy maybe several months before. Back then, he’d come out of the room, and I thought he was a maintenance guy, so I was like, “Excuse me, excuse me…” I wanted to ask him about resetting the temperatures. He totally ignored me and walked out. This time, same deal except he was coming in. And he still totally ignored me, walked into the room, and then never came out. Sitting in the tub with my oblivious lame-o dogs, I started freaking myself out with the possible scenarios. I mean, Bubbey was off in la-la land in front of the tube… what if? At first, I planned to wait for him to come out, and then I’d go home. But it was like another 15 minutes, so I just left. Heart pounding and all. And then I got thinking…. what the hell is this guy doing in there? I mean, he has a key to the gate, so either he lives here or works here (maintenance?) or used to live here or maybe he opens the gate with a credit card? I don’t know. But it’s just a room with a bench. Nothing else. Is he a perv? Is he doing drugs? Is he seeking shelter? It was dark and I couldn’t even see what he looked like but I just wonder. And now I don’t go alone at night. Fucking pain in my ass. So annoying to change my schedule because of fear; yet seems pretty dumb to ignore my instincts… John thinks we should tell the home owners association but I always feel like those groups try to over-regulate everything. I mean, if he’s not hurting anyone, who really cares right? I just want to know why he goes there. Discovering new mysteries all the time. 🙂

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