Another Quake

Another Quake

I experienced my second earthquake this evening. And of course, John wasn’t around. I called his cell a couple hours after it happened, and he hadn’t even heard about it. Then again, he and his bud were in the movie theater where the volume was cranked up.

And this one was a pretty sizable one too: 5.6 on the scale. It happened around San Jose, which is maybe 25 minutes south of here. Nothing in the house fell or broke, but the dogs, or Remy rather, was definitely freaked out. And I think I read the best description of the experience online. A lady in the area said it felt like the house was on a boat. And that’s exactly right. I was on the couch, and as I looked at the foyer light, I could see the walls shaking, and the couch had its own vibration. Very weird.

The first one I experienced months ago at work in Fremont. It also occurred around 8pm. But the epicenter was in Lafayette or some town I had never heard of. I thought it was the AC system kicking on. Nope. Earthquake too. But only a 4 on the Richter scale.

It’s sort of weird thinking about natural disasters, and where we are when they strike. Would suck not to have my Bubbey with me. I’d probably drop off into the crevice. Ugh, I know. I’m morbid that way. Sorry.

So tomorrow’s Halloween. My office is throwing a Halloween party at lunch. There’s also a costume contest as well as a pumpkin carving contest. I’m still trying to get over the fact that they are sanctioning such frivolous activities. No, I’m not going to dress up. Come on, you should know better than to even wonder. I’m an old geezer. I don’t have that kind of creativity or zest. They’re lucky I’m taking cheese and crackers for the potluck. Hey, all this fun crap is new. Plus, don’t I get bonus points for taking a horseradish cheddar? That’s right. Ain’t just any old pedestrian cheese. Ha, ha. Should be a good time.

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