Long Stretch

Long Stretch

So I swallowed my last pill on Friday… I’m still not 100% but definitely doing better. Thankfully, the craisins are gone. The red spots are still there and oddly, when I wear denim, I swear that area on my mid-right thigh gets intensely itchy all over again but other than that, I’m all right. I just hope I never get the shingles again. My medical friends keep saying Valtrex doesn’t cure the shingles… let’s just hope my immunity fights it off next time though.

In other news, I worked my first full week at the job. A few things are really beginning to trouble me though: my carbon dioxide emissions and my gas mileage. My old Camry gave me about 33 mpg highway, so imagine my shock when I calculated an embarrassing 22 mpg on this vehicle. Both Camrys, but this one has a V6. I know, I have to do something. I started reading up on biofuels already, but shit man, I have to set up a large scale chemical production facility to process the used vegetable oils for the car… Plus John and I are still in the midst of Indecision 2007. Get a second car? Stay in San Mateo? Move to Foster City? Move to Palo Alto? Too many frickin’ considerations.

Oh god, almost forgot to comment on the elections. Un fucking believable! Dems actually won control of Congress. Hallelujah! I’m thrilled, but at the same time, I can’t help but feel disappointed… after all the bullshit, the race was still that close?! How much worse do things have to get before the Dems win with frickin’ room to breathe!?! Fucked up, I tell you.

Remy woke me up at the crack of dawn yesterday. John calls her Remy the Rooster now, because she’s becoming quite demanding about her early-morning walks. Just as well, I was slated to volunteer at the Green Festivals downtown. 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. I know, I’m an idiot. And to make matters worse, I was pegged to work the will-call ticket booth. Terrific. The first rainy, dreary cold morning in ages, and here I was alone in a freezing cold veal box. “Redeem your free t-shirt with this coupon. These badges are good for today and tomorrow. You can pick up a program inside the main door.” Repeat for four and a half fucking hours! I don’t know how I get myself into these things. After all the disappointments I’ve experienced with networking events, meet up groups, volunteer gigs, you’d think I would learn my fucking lesson. Nope. I’m idealistic and retarded that way: I am a masochistic optimist. I mean, at first, I thought volunteering at this event would be cool: I’d meet like-minded people. Well whatever. Didn’t meet a goddamn soul working by myself in a fucking stall. At least I got into the conference for free– there were lots of exhibitors selling green products and giving out free magazines, coupons, and samples. I also picked up some interesting information on electric cars and biofuels. I’m totally eyeing the ZAP Obvio. It’s so irresistibly cute!

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