Getting Defensive

Getting Defensive

Having lived in Shanghai for two years, I totally get it when people complain about “the way things are” here. As you already now, I gripe plenty on this blog.

Still, I couldn’t help but get pissed off by Paul McCartney’s comments last week regarding dogs and cats being slaughtered (in China) for fur. Before I divulge, let me clarify. As an activist, I understand one has to pick and choose personal battles. The world’s a complicated place, yet that should never stop someone from acting for change. So, Sir Paul’s decision to boycott Chinese goods is his decision and his right. I respect his belief that individual actions can bring about positive change. What really ticked me off, however, was his choice of words criticizing China. “This is barbaric. Horrific. It’s like something out of the Dark Ages. And they seem to get a kick out of it. They’re just sick, sick people.” Forgive my sensitivity, but by “they,” is he referring to the animal abusers captured on film, or is he making a blanket statement on the Chinese? He goes on to warn, “If they want to consider themselves a civilized nation… they’re going to have to stop this.” Who the hell is he, the heathen nations police? And is it me, or does his statement paint China as the black sleep in need of serious reform from its angelic global fellows? There’s no denying the brutal treatment of these animals is inhumane and disturbing and shocking. But, does McCartney think the process by which humans consume beef, pork, chicken, or dairy is eco- and animal-friendly? Not only that, who the hell is buying the fur? And puhleez. His government is allied with the current asinine (Bush) administration in this fucked up Iraq war and occupation, supposedly in a fight against the Axes of Evil. Is war civilized? Is the use of chemical weapons like white phosphorus humane? Don’t act like YOUR shit don’t stink!

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