China’s Turning Me into a Bop

China’s Turning Me into a Bop

I’m headed on a dangerous path with all this me time. This afternoon, I popped in John’s Chinese music– Jay Chou. Actually, Chou is his Taiwanese Romanized spelling. The pingyin version is Zhou Jie Lun. Anyway, his music is well, difficult to describe: an interesting blend of boy band, hip hop/rap, and movie soundtrack/soundbites. Like he’s got phones ringing and car engines roaring. Sounds much worse than it is. So yeah, I was grooving in the study today. Actually, dancing around and shit. Poor dogs. They just tried to tolerate the loud music (I even hooked my laptop up to John’s speaker system) and random, unrhythmic movements. Thank goodness I’m all alone with the curtains pulled. It was a freakin’ karaoke session man. Gotta stop this shit. Before I know it, I’m gonna be hooked on Michael Learns to Rock (John already is!). I know, can you believe that’s the band’s name? They got all kinds here.

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