Victory in the Kitchen!

Victory in the Kitchen!

I’m sure many of you have heard the Rice Crispies treats story. Yes, when I was in college, I mailed John a package of homemade treats. His sister Susan found him eating them (rather unenthusiastically). After biting into one herself, she went off on how terrible they were. She insisted they were absolutely inedible (practically toxic) and forced John to toss them immediately. My defense is that they turned stale during shipment. I had personally tested them myself before sending, and they were fine. But after that, the word was out: Vicky is a disaster in the kitchen. Susan only flamed the fire: “How does one mess up Rice Crispies Treats?”

The last few months, I’v been spending more time in the kitchen. Trying to become more wifely, I suppose. Actually, when it comes to baking, I’m usually quite good. Unforutnately though, I’ve encountered some bad luck lately. Even my famed chewy chocolate chip walnut cookies (which won rave reviews from my students) have bombed (maybe it’s the local butter?). Then last night, I tried to make mango black sticky rice and well, I burned the rice into a black, gritty crisp. But TONIGHT, I was trimphant! This is my day of redemption! The recipe? Portuguese sweet rice. And it even has Bubbey’s stamp of approval. Hehe, I feel so lucky, I might even give my cookies another go. Stay tuned!

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