Hell-Ay, Here We Come!

Hell-Ay, Here We Come!

I know you’re already sick of my gripes about the SH cold. Sorry, just one last time: BUUUURRRR! It’s fucking freezing. I know, you think I’m just being cheap and not turning up the heat. Well let me set things straight: John’s no penny pincher and I’m telling you, we have the heat on full blast. Doesn’t help. You gotta just experience to know what the hell I’m talkin’ about.

Lucky for you, the complaining will stop soon: we’re heading to LA tomorrow. That’s right, land of the stars. John’s company is based in CA (San Francisco, now) but they have the development team in LA. Closed up the VA office a few months ago. So, this will be my first time to LA. I just got news yesterday that Brad and Jen are done for… guess that paves the way for me to hatch a plan. Hee, hee. I know, I’m such a groupie. Well there’s a ton of speculation, but I think it’s the kids issue. I have to say, don’t harass a woman who ain’t ready to have kids, okay? Yes, I’m a bit biased: 1) I’m female 2) I’m getting my tubes tied ASAP and John’s getting snipped. No kids for us, man! DINK (or SINK) forever!

So the sad news about the trip (besides the damage being in LA is going to do to my self-esteem) is that I’m gonna abandon my babies once again– for four fucking weeks. I’ve been all stressed out lately, because I had a tiff with my boarders. Long story short, I had reason to believe the dogs weren’t getting taken outside multiple times a day, so the thought of my housebroken dogs (they NEVER pee inside) being driven to pee in their kennel was just driving me mad. Hopefully, it’s all worked out now though. After numerous calls and emails. Sigh. I’m exhausted from the stress of it all.

So while I’m in LA, I’m gonna connect with the Center for Pacific Asian Families, a domestic violence shelter. I was hoping to attend their 65-hour training, but it spans two months. Either way, I’m looking foward to learning more about NGOs committed to helping the AP community. After a few days getting over the jetlag and settling in, John and I are driving up to San Francisco. His company headquarters are there, and well, we’ve been toying with the possibility of SF being our next destination (should we go back to the States). It seems to offer many of the things we want: multicultural population, techie stuff, dog friendly peeps, fresh organic produce, and good weather. We’ll see though. I certainly don’t feel as safe in the US as in China… And though sorry to burst the bubble, but the US government ain’t so honest and law-abiding. Yup, our very own are also guilty of censorship, corruption, and deception. Yeah, I am still on my anti-whatever spin. Can’t help it. You listen to Democracy Now and you’ll understand.

So back to my itinerary, yeah. Going to SF to meet up with my attorney-friend Josh from Duke. Mr. Hunky Dory. While I’m in SF, I’m gonna attend some free training seminars at the Foundation Center to learn about NGO stuff– grant writing, fundraising, budgeting, etc. Should be cool. I hope the weather cooperates in CA though. Been reading about a lot of rain lately. 😛

Oh, last thing. After weeks of god-awful, torturous research, I finally purchased a tri-band phone so I can be connected anywhere in the world. I actually ended up getting John’s model— a year later. I know, we’re such dorks. But hey, I like being on the same team. 🙂 So I will have a cell phone. Of course rates will be pricey since it’s pay as you go, but anyhow, let’s connect somehow while I’m Stateside. Okay gotta get back to packing. Later folks!

Oh by the way, anyone interested in buying my old laptop? Check out my posting on ebay. Yup, I’m back to feeding my Ebay addiction now that I’m gonna be in the US for a few weeks. Awww yeah!

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